Joyful Keys Towards Abundance


This set of positive affirmation cards has been designed as a fun tool to assist you in enhancing the abundance you experience in every area of your life, be it an abundance of love, health, wealth, creativity, joy etc.

These affirmations are based on the spiritual qualities that attract abundance.[1]

Working with them – preferably on a daily basis – will enable you to reprogram your subconscious mind, replacing limiting beliefs (which repel abundance) by a permanent magnetism to abundance.

To complement the cards, you will find in this booklet information on how you can use Bach Flower remedies to assist you in strengthening each attracting quality of abundance.[2]

The affirmations, as it were, represent your commitment and intention, whereas the flower essences can be considered as the loving friend giving you a helping hand.

My intention in sharing these cards with you is that they may contribute in some way to bringing you a lasting abundance of JOY, LOVE, HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT, HEALTH, CREATIVITY… AND PROSPERITY, thereby contributing to the abundance thought-bank of the collective unconscious.

Just as miracles have kept happening in my own life when I trusted the process and stayed focused on abundance, they will in yours too, dear friend.


[1] As set out in Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer’s book :«  Creating Money – Attracting Abundance» Publ. H.J. Kramer-New World Library.

[2] Remember, by ABUNDANCE, I am not just referring to prosperity, but to an abundance of health, loving relationships etc…too.