Aloha Ollie Turner

Oliver Turner is an aspiring New York screenwriter in his early forties. Fifteen years earlier, he unexpectedly became a single dad when his partner Cassandra fell in love with her Russian tutor and when the latter had to return to his homeland soon afterwards, Cassandra wanted to follow him.  It was agreed that Dmitri, Cassandra’s 3-year-old son from a previous relationship would remain in the USA with Oliver – who loved the little boy as much as if he had been his own son.  Thus, Oliver chose to put his dream of becoming a filmmaker on the backburner to devote himself to Dmitri’s upbringing.

Now Dmitri is 18 and has left home, Oliver decides it isn’t too late to pursue his dream. In the interval he has lost his business. Consequently his home was ‘repossessed’ by the bank.

As an indomitable optimist, when Oliver finds himself unemployed and broke, he concludes that this is an ideal opportunity to start writing his first screenplay.

His flatmate, a rather neurotic young woman, isn’t happy that Oliver spends all his time writing instead of socialising with her. They quarrel and she gives him notice to quit.

Oliver dreams of moving to Hawaii to write in peace. And true to the universal law that says, ‘if you believe in your dreams and you focus on what you want, you have the power within to create anything that is for your higher good’, he is soon on his way to Hawaii, in a most unexpected manner.

The last thing Oliver was looking for was romance. But it still turns up, in the shape of a French divorcee with a cheeky teenage daughter.

When Julie-Anne’s ex-husband – a successful French actor-turned film director – makes an unexpected visit to attend the opening party of Julie-Anne’s vegan restaurant/cum café théâtre, Oliver is somewhat concerned that this might ruin his budding soul-mate romance. But on the contrary, Christian loves Oliver’s hilarious screenplay (“Hey guys! We might all have been a woman once, in a past life.”) 

As it happens, the ex is keen to help Oliver get his screenplay produced.

So this movie’s message is: “Whatever your dream may be, have faith in the goodness of the Universe and above all, believe in yourself”.